Bicycle Spades Playing Card Game

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Bicycle Spades Playing Card Game
De: $6.99
Por: $5.94
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ComprarVendedor Cartamundi

Calcule o valor do frete e prazo de entrega para a sua região

Descrição do Produto

Including additional cards with the rules to the game of spades, either learn anew or refresh your knowledge of this classic game!

Experience the superior quality and performance of Bicycle's Air Cushion Finish - our proprietary embossing process for unmatched card playability; allowing them to glide smoother, shuffle easier, and last longer.

The game is scored by hands, and the winner must make a certain number of points, which is decided before the game begins. Five hundred points is common, but 200 points is suitable for a short game. The player on the dealer's left makes the opening lead, and players must follow suit, if possible. If a player cannot follow suit, they may play a trump or discard. The trick is won by the player who plays the highest trump or if no trump was played, the player who played the highest card in the suit led. The player who wins the trick leads next. Play continues until none of the players have any cards left. Each hand is worth 13 tricks. Spades cannot be led unless played previously or player to lead has nothing but Spades in his hand.


Country of originUS
Minimum Age (Months)36
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