Bicycle Jacquard Playing Cards

De: $7.99Por: $6.79

Preço a vista: $6.79

Economia de $1.20

Bicycle Jacquard Playing Cards
De: $7.99
Por: $6.79
à vista
ComprarVendedor Cartamundi

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Descrição do Produto

Bicycle Jacquard gets its design inspiration from complex, ornate patterns often woven into fabric resulting in beautiful displays. The Bicycle Jacquard tuck case features emerald green and silver foil details woven throughout creating a dazzling and dramatic appeal.
Just as Jacquard machines revolutionized Looms with their “chain of cards” operation, this premium deck of cards has been designed and manufactured with the same sophistication and innovative technology.


Country of originUS
Minimum Age (Months)36
  • VTEX

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